CONT ENTS PAGE 5 GOVERNANCE OF CLIMATE CHALLENGES • Supervision by the Board of Directors • Climate strategy monitoring by Senior Management • Role and organization of the ESR department • Organization of the climate risk supervisory framework • Compensation policy PAGE 12 PUTTING CLIMATE AT THE HEART OF OUR BUSINESS STRATEGY • Identify climate-related opportunities • Including the climate challenge at the heart of our strategy • Climate-related strategic initiatives by scope PAGE 33 CLIMATE-RELATED RISK MANAGEMENT • Mapping the impact of climate risks •  Integration of climate risks into the risk appetite framework •  Climaterisksidentification,measurement,andmanagement processes •  Presentation of stress tests conducted by BPCE Group to assess the impact of climate risks PAGE 48 METRICS AND TARGETS USED BY NATIXIS TO MONITOR CLIMATE RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES • Direct corporate operations • Banking activities: Corporate & Investment Banking •  Third-party asset management: Natixis Investment Managers • Insurance activities: Natixis Assurances • Summary of indicators and targets 1 4 2 3

TCFD Report | Nataxis - Page 4 TCFD Report | Nataxis Page 3 Page 5