TCFD REPORT 2021 TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE 17 PUTTING CLIMATE AT THE HEART OF OUR BUSINESS STRATEGY 1. This applies to all Natixis Assurances investments Oil and gas industry In December 2017, Natixis committed to withdrawing from financing oil operations and production produced from tar sands and oil from the Arctic. In November 2018, Natixis published an oil and gas sector policy setting out the terms of its commitment, namely to: • discontinue the financing of worldwide projects involving the exploration, production, transportation and storage of extra-heavy oil and oil produced from tar sands, and related export terminals; • no longer provide general-purpose corporate financing for, and no longer invest in, 1 any company of which the aforementioned activities (see above) account for 25% or more of total operations; • discontinue financing for onshore or offshore oil exploration and production projects in the Arctic. This commitment to protect the Arctic upholds the position already adopted by Ostrum and Mirova. Since 2016, the two firms have headed a group of investors who signed a declaration calling for the Arctic region to be protected against oil exploration activities, and for the adherence to national commitments to combat climate change in this particularly hydrocarbon-rich area of the world. In May 2020, Natixis complemented its policy by committing to no longer finance any shale oil and gas exploration and production projects worldwide.  In addition, Natixis will no longer finance companies whose business is more than 25% based on the exploration and production of shale oil and gas. Climate-related strategic initiatives by scope DIRECT CORPORATE OPERATIONS Direct environmental impacts In line with its policy of recognizing ESR in its businesses, for over ten years, Natixis has actively reduced its direct impact on the environment related to its internal operations. This policy is broken down into seven themes: • Sustainable real estate:  implement and apply environmental certification, reduce consumption, and ensure a carbon-free energy supply for buildings and their accessibility; • Responsible digital technology: reduce the impact of digital technology by limiting the number of IT devices, integrate eco-design into each IT solution, and use digital  technology to achieve sustainable development goals; • Promotion of sustainable mobility: support the use of bicycles, encourage teleworking and remote working to reduce travel, facilitate the use of electric vehicles, support the use Exclusion of high-emission activities: oil sands, extra-heavy oil, Artic projects, shale oil & gas production. 3 Improvement in direct impacts for more than 10 years

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