TCFD REPORT 2021 TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE 50 METRICS AND TARGETS USED BY NATIXIS TO MONITOR CLIMATE RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES Natixis has seta target of reducing its operational carbon footprint by 20% globally with a sub-target for the carbon footprint of its computer system and professional travel. The benchmark year for this target is 2019 in light of the unprecedented 2020 performance, owingtotheCovid-19healthcrisis. As part of its 2024 strategic plan, Natixis also plans to extend the measurement of its climate impact to all of its geographies outside France. The Company has pledged to use renewable power for all of its buildings worldwide. Direct corporate operations targets Carbon intensity reduction (per FTE) -20 % ( 2019 benchmark year, France) Carbon footprint reduction -10 % computers and telephony -40 % energy used (France) Share of renewable energy used 100 % in all Natixis locations Banking activities: Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB) In 2019, with the implementation of its Green Weighting Factor (GWF), Natixis became the first global bank to actively measure and monitor the climate impact of its balance sheet using an impact indicator that is expressed using a color. The GWF methodological work has continued. In early 2021, this led to its translation in both carbon intensity and temperature trajectory. These new indicators round out the approach that Corporate & Investment Banking has adopted for climate risks and opportunities via: (i) its sustainable finance activities, notably renewable energy financing and green bond arrangements, and (ii) its activities exposed to transition risk, specifically balance sheet exposure to coal, and, more generally fossil fuels. Natixis monitors the climate impact of its balance sheet (€234bn in outstandings as of 12/31/2020), using the following seven indicators: Green Weighting Factor Color Rating (measured as a % of bank outstandings)   This is a granular measurement that applies to each balance sheet exposure for all banking products, regardless of maturity (loans, guarantees, collateral, documentary credit, capital markets) across all geographies, and in allsectorsofactivity,excludingfinance. -20% in carbon intensity per FTE by 2024 Granular management of bank balance sheet climate impact using the GWF tool 2 2024 TARGETS

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