TCFD REPORT 2021 TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE 49 METRICS AND TARGETS USED BY NATIXIS TO MONITOR CLIMATE RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES Direct corporate operations Every year since 2015, Natixis has measured and published its own actions for the scope of its businesses in France, i.e., 67% of its 16,943 employees at end-2020 (fulltime equivalent employee, (FTE)) using the following five indicators: Direct impact indicators: • carbon intensity (measured in tons of CO 2 emissions per full-time equivalent employee, tCO 2 e/FTE):carbonfootprintdividedbythenumberofFTEemployees; • carbon footprint (measured in tons of CO 2 emissions, tCO 2 e): greenhouse gas emissions ofbuildings,employeeprofessionaltravel,IT equipmentandtelephony; • building energy consumption (measuredinMWh); • share of energy consumption covered by renewable power (en%); • carbon intensity of building energy consumption (expressed in gCO 2 e/kWh). Direct corporate operations indicators (French locations) Carbon intensity (per FTE) 7 tCO 2 e/ETP in 2020 7,92 tCO 2 e/ETP in 2019 Carbon footprint 71 581 tCO 2 e in 2020 81 957 tCO 2 e in 2019 Energy consumption 34,556 MWh Share of renewable energy used 100 % in France Carbon intensity of energy used 62,25 gCO 2 e/kWh Scopes 1 & 2 carbon footprint publication in France since 2015 In all its business lines, BPCE Group is committed to tackling climate change and supporting all of its clients in their transition. The Group’s strategic commitment is reflected in the introduction of measurement indicators 9 for climate impacts, risks and opportunities and the definition of targets 10 for the activities and businesses of Natixis: Company operational scope, Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB), Asset Management (NIM), Insurance (NA). 1 9. All metrics listed are as of 12/31/2020 unless otherwise stated 10. All targets listed are as of end-2024 unless otherwise stated. 2020 METRICS

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