TCFD REPORT 2021 TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE 31 PUTTING CLIMATE AT THE HEART OF OUR BUSINESS STRATEGY The fund has set specific climate impact goals, with the protection of over 17,500 hectares of mangrove forest from deforestation and degradation (over 9 million tons of CO 2 e captured), production of 177,000 tons of fish protein (which has a smaller carbon footprint than beef). INSURANCE General-purpose fund: strategy to integrate ESG issues and Paris Agreement alignment commitment Natixis Assurances’ sustainable investment strategy seeks to identify, measure and take account of sustainability challenges in its investment policy. Natixis Assurances uses Mirova's non-financial rating to establish an analysis grid examining the sustainability risks and negative impacts of the portfolio on sustainability factors. This analysis is structured into two areas: • aglobalapproach(ESG)tosocial,environmentalandgovernanceissues; • a strategic approach linked to climate challenges. The ESG rating methodology is based on a qualitative analysis of companies’ contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using the following criteria: • opportunity analysis linked to product and service offering to meet sustainability challenges; • identification of a company’s environmental and social risks throughout its area of responsibility. Companies are assessed on ESG criteria divided into eight main themes: energy, mobility, buildings and cities, natural resource management, consumption, health, information and communications technology and finance. Exposure to these challenges depends on the company’s business activities. This risk/opportunity analysis focuses on the challenges most likely to materially impact outstandings considered, and more generally, the company. Sustainability challenges can significantly differ between and within sectors. As an example, analysis for the textile sector focuses on social practices adopted in the supply chain. Conversely, analysis for the automotive sector focuses on energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during end product use. In 2018, Natixis Assurances made a proactive and concrete commitment to combat climate change by aligning its investment policy with the targets of the 2°C trajectory set by theParisAgreement.Againstthis background, Natixis Assurancessetanannualtarget to devote nearly 10% of its new investments to green assets 4 with a target of 10% of its totalinvestmentsfocusedongreenassetsby2030. Natixis Assurances intends to accelerate its transition. In July 2021, the Natixis subsidiary announced alignment with the 1.5°C trajectory from 2030 by doubling its green assets and withdrawing from “negative-rated” liquid assets based on ESG 5 criteria. Its commitment concerns all of its investment portfolios (excluding unit trusts). 15% annual green investment target Sector-based risk/ opportunity analysis of the most material challenges Withdrawal from negative ESG-rated issuers 4. Green assets: Green bonds, Greenfin, climate funds, ecoactivities 5. Based on Natixis Assurances methodology

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