TCFD REPORT 2021 TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE 16 PUTTING CLIMATE AT THE HEART OF OUR BUSINESS STRATEGY Regarding insurance activities Natixis Assurances proactively and concretely made a commitment as early as 2018 in the fight against climate change by measuring the impact of its investments on climate. Natixis Assurances is committed to aligning investments with the 2°C scenario by 2030. Faced with theclimate emergency decried by scientists, Natixis Assurances is committed to accelerating the alignment of its investment portfolio to within the 2°C trajectory by 2024 and to within 1.5°C by 2030. In its non-life insurance activities, Natixis Assurances aims to developpreventionpolicytopositivelyimpactthefightagainstclimatechange. SECTOR POLICIES Integrating ESG risk management in financing and investment business lines is part of an overarching approach involving all of its business lines, the ESR department and control functions. This approach involves defining and implementing ESG policies in the most sensitive  sectors, defining excluded areas of business, assessing and monitoring ESG risks related to  transactions and counterparties via various tools and processes. Climate risks are fully integrated thanks to the following policies: Coal industry From October 2015, Natixis committed to withdrawing from the financing of coal-fired power plants and thermal coal mining worldwide. Natixis also committed to no longer providing general-purpose corporate financing to companies whose activities focus more than 50% on operating coal-fired power plants and/or thermal coal mining. This commit- ment which has become the subject of sector policy applicable to financing, advisory, capital markets and other products and services was strengthened in June 2019. To this end, Natixis extended its scope to all infrastructure projects related to ports, railways and any thermal coal infrastructure. Furthermore, the above exception threshold of 50% coal activitiesinfinancingandinvestmentactivitieshassincebeenreducedto25%. In May 2020, Natixis announced its accelerated full withdrawal from coal, withdrawing its support for companies developing new thermal coal capacity or thermal coal mining. Natixis plans to have fully withdrawn from thermal coal by 2030 in European Union (EU) and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries and by 2040 in the rest of the world. A new detailed policy was published in October 2020. The sector policy is also based on investment carried out by Ostrum, for all of the directly- managed portfolios, and at Natixis Assurances, for all general-purpose funds. Both firms no longer invest in industrial companies that generate 25% of their business or more from activities related to coal-fired power plants and/or thermal coal mining. Mirova has withdrawn from all investment in the fossil fuel sector. It should be noted that Natixis’ exposure to the coal industry at end-2020 was zero in terms of financing thermal coal mines and is minimal for financing coal-fired plants and additional thermal coal infrastructure. Investments aligned to the 1.5°C trajectory by 2030 Zero thermal coal target by 2030/2040

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