TCFD REPORT 2021 TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE 24 PUTTING CLIMATE AT THE HEART OF OUR BUSINESS STRATEGY “DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES”: FIRST STRUCTURED PRODUCT COMBINING SOCIAL BONDS AND CLIMATE INDICATORS As environmental and social issues are increasingly closely linked, financial products must take into account this growing holistic vision. This structured product thus combines a social bond dedicated to local economic development (financing of VSEs and SMEs in economically and socially disadvantaged areas in mainland France) and an underlying climate-themed index. The climate- themed index, Euronext Climate Objective Euro Decrement 5%, focuses on companies seeking to improve their carbon performance and their ability to offer products and services that are compatible with an economy reducing their carbon footprint. This product is offered in partnership with the insurer Groupama, with Natixis acting as issuer and the social bonds being distributed by Groupama. For this product, Natixis was awarded Investment Bank of the Year in the “Equity products” category at the Banker Awards 2020. “SUSTAINABLE AMBITION”: A RETAIL SAVINGS PRODUCT COMBINING CLIMATE AND NATURAL RESOURCES In order to fully recognize environmental challenges and considering that climate challenges and biodiversity are closely linked, Natixis developed the “Sustainable Ambition” product, combining a green bond and the Water & Ocean index: • The Green Bond aims to finance green buildings. It is directed towards loans originated by Groupe BPCE entities (development of new buildings or acquisition of existing buildings, renovation or improvement of energy efficiency). • The Euronext Water & Ocean Europe Index 40 is composed of 40 European companies selected for their contribution to the preservation of water resources and the oceans. ASSET MANAGEMENT A strategy to integrate environment, social and governance (ESG) criteria In 2020, Natixis Investment Managers (NIM) implemented an ESG policy consistent with its multi-affiliate model. This provided all 23 affiliates with full autonomy as regards their investment strategy. This policy aligns with the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN-PRI). More specifically, it states that NIM expects affiliates to integrate ESG issues into their investment processes. Group-wide ESG integration policy is adapted to each affiliate given that they each have a unique strategy and investment philosophy. Moreover, policy is adapted to particular beliefs,assetclassandaffiliate-specificclientpreferences. NIM affiliates provide a range of solutions based on the conviction that ESG criteria can play an important role in identifying potential risks, seizing opportunities and generating returns for investors. 21 affiliates have signed the UN-PRI, the goal is to reach 100% by 2024

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