TCFD REPORT 2021 TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE 22 PUTTING CLIMATE AT THE HEART OF OUR BUSINESS STRATEGY ITALO NUOVO TRASPORTO VIAGGIATORI: INNOVATIVE FINANCING SOLUTION THAT MEETS ITS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Natixis supported Italo – Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori, the leading private rail operator in Italy, by providing an innovative financing solution. This is the largest green loan ever made in the transport sector and the first to include Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in line with the Sustainability- Linked Loan Principles. As global coordinator, bookrunner and green coordinator, Natixis has structured a complete financing solution comprising: • a syndicated sustainability-linked loan of €1.1bn, whose interest margin is indexed to sustainable development indicators, in particular the number of passengers per km and CO 2 emissions (including €900m dedicated to the financing and refinancing of low-carbon rolling stock); • a sustainability-linked interest rate swap with its own incentive mechanism. Green bonds Green bond issuers are committed to using the funds raised to finance positive-impact environmental projects, specifically to fight climate change (energy efficiency, renewable energy,sustainabletransport,etc.). In 2020, Natixis arranged 34 green bond issue transactions, totaling €15.9bn, confirming a solidpositioninthismarket,particularlyinEurope. ENGIE TESTIMONIAL: SUPPORTING OUR CLIENTS’ GREEN BOND ISSUES Natixis acted as Sole Green Structuring Advisor and Joint Bookrunner for the Engie green bond, in the amount of €2.5bn. This transaction was oversubscribed, with an order book of €9.5bn at its close. This bond will contribute to Engie's ambition to become the world leader in helping companies and local authorities achieve carbon neutrality. The funds will be used for the production of renewable energy, energy storage, transmission and distribution infrastructures, energy efficiency, and carbon capture. 19% of green bonds arranged in 2020

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