8 GOVERNANCE OF CLIMATE CHALLENGES TCFD REPORT 2021 TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE Climate strategy monitoring by Senior Management EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES The Natixis Senior Management Committee is directly involved in implementing climate strategy via several Executive Committees set up to define and monitor strategy related to climate opportunities and risks. An ESR Sponsor Committee regroups ESR sponsors from all of the various Natixis business lines and functions, with members of the Senior Management Committee. It is chaired by theChief Executive Officer and is tasked with approving and monitoring ESR strategy. The Natixis Global Risk Committee is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer, and is responsible for overseeing the analysis, measurement and management of climate risks. The Committee is tasked with monitoring measurement tools for physical and transition risks. It also determines climate risk appetite and oversees analytical testing and climate stress tests. Coordination with BPCE Group The Chief Executive Officer of Natixis, Global Head of Risk Management and Global Head of Environmental & Social Responsibility are also members of the BPCE Group’s Climate RiskCommitteewhichdefinesclimateriskstrategyattheBPCEGrouplevel. ESG risks, in particular climate risks, are also taken into consideration in the analysis and decisions  made by the main Executive Committees which approve the financial commitments of Natixis, particularly the Natixis Credit Committee, which approves financing transactions and uses climate risk assessment tools (Green Weighting Factor, ESR Screening tool) and the Natixis Investment Managers (NIM) Committee which approves seed money invested in creation funds. Senior Management is directly involved in implementing climate strategy 2 As social organizations, companies have a major role to play in supporting more sustainable societal development which is more respectful of our planet. Working through its ESR Committee, Natixis ensures that ESG criteria are taken into consideration in the development of its business lines as well as in overall company management. We are pleased that Natixis can transparently share its climate strategy thanks to this TCFD report. Anne Lalou Chair of the Board ESR Committee, Natixis

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